+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mifsud, S. (2011) : A FLORISTIC SURVEY ON THE GOZITAN ISLETS OF TAC-CAWL AND TAL-HALFA IN THE MALTESE ISLANDS. Link: http://www.MaltaWildPlants.com/publ/index.php#W01 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ARTICLE HISTORY LOG ===================== V1.0 (3-Jun-2011) : - First release. V1.1 (5-Jun-2011): - Included citation in article. - Work by Cassar & Lanfranco (2000) was cited to be unpublished, while in fact, it was published in the Gozo and Comino local plan (2000). Correction updated accordingly. V2.0 (15-Nov-2011): - Visited tac-Cawl Rock again on 12-November-2011 and updated the report/tables with 3 more species that were observed. - Since Oxalis pes-caprae was present, the comment that no aliens are found on this rock was removed. V3.0 (5-Dec-2011): - Visited tal-Halfa Rock again on 5-December-2011 and updated the report/tables with 5 more species that were observed. - Added an image of dense patches of Narcissus tazetta (first record!) - Upon seeing for the first time Atractyllis cancellata in Harq Hammiem in mid June, (p.c. Darrin Stevens), it was concluded that the unidentified Asteracea species reported on one of the islets was not Atractyllis cancellata. For this reason, that comment was deleted. V3.1 (30-Aug-2013) - Paper proof-read by Brian Farrugia; readibility greatly improved. - Data of Lanfranco & Cassar (2001) was added in the invenotry results of Table 3 to give a better comparison of the three reported surveys on this islet. - Removed image of an unidentified Asteraceae plantlet as it was superfluous. ----------end of history log ---------------