Nemesia arboricola  Pocock, 1903
Taxonomical Classification:  Animalia / Arthropoda / Arachnida / Araneae / Nemesiidae
Maltese Trap-door Spider     Brimba tal-bejta
Further Information:
Females live their whole lives within burrows, for which they construct hinged 'doors' out of soil and silk. The door has a number of silk attachments which vibrate when touched by a prey item (small insects). The spider, which stays just behind the burrow door with its legs resting on the silk strands, detects these vibrations and rushes out of its burrow to subdue its prey, dragging it back to devour it in hiding. The species often constructs nests in palm tree trunks, but can also be found in rocky outcrops. Males move around much more and wander in search for mates. These spiders can live for many years and mature slowly, eating infrequently. Endemic to the Maltese Islands, it is a protected species.

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