Chamaeleo chamaeleon  Linnaeus, 1758
Main synonym = Lacerta chamaeleon    (Linnaeus, 1758)
Taxonomical Classification:  Animalia / Chordata / Reptilia / Squamata / Chamaeleonidae
Mediterranean Chamaeleon, Common Chameleon     Kamalejont
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Normally greenish or brown with paler markings. Colours can turn lighter or darker. When threatened, apart from changing colour, it puffs up its body and opens its mouth wide to look larger and more fierce. Female leaves the trees in order to lay eggs in a hole dug near the base of the trunk; the eggs are then covered with soil. Adapted for life in wooded areas, but often seen in garigue habitats. Was introduced in the 19th century by protestant missionaries who used to bring specimens over from North Africa, then released in the gardens of what was later to become the Jesuit college of St Ignatius in St Julians. Has since spread to all parts of the island of Malta. Also occurs on Gozo. 30cm long

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